2024 National PSSA Congress
The 2024 National PSSA Congress will be held from 30 September 2024 to 4 October 2024 in Parys, Freestate.
What is a congress?
A congress is like a practical conference where a photographers from all over the country can meet and mingle with other photographers, attend talks presented by speakers who are recognised as leading authorities in their particular fields, participate in practical sessions and outings, and learn about the latest developments in photography.
2024 PSSA National Congress
This year’s congress will be held in Parys, Freestate, which is a great venue as it is close to Pretoria, especially for members who may only want to participate for a day or two.
The agenda is not available yet, and as soon as we have more information, we’ll keep you informed.
Monday, 30 September 2024 to Friday, 4 October 2024.
Please note that all costs below exclude accommodation.
- 1 Person (PSSA Member) for full Congress including the gala event. @ R3350
- 1 Person (NON-PSSA Member) for full Congress including the gala event. @ R4150
- Non- Photographer for full Congress including the gala event@ R 2300
- Day visitor @ R980 per day
- 2 Days @ R 1900
- 3 Days @ R 2800
- Gala event @ R 400.00
To register, click HERE to complete the form.
Click HERE to see a short video on YouTube about the event.
Hope to see you there!