Club Constitution

Revised 2009

1. Club Description

  1. Club Name: The name of the club is the CENTURION CAMERA CLUB (CCC) (hereafter referred to as the Club).
  2. Club Objectives: The objectives of the Club are the promotion of amateur photography, and generally, to enhance the interest in all subjects related to photography. This will be done with meetings, lectures, demonstrations, displays, competitions, etc., and, every other opportunity that the Committee sees fit for the promotion of the photographic needs of its members.
  3. Club Head Office: The postal address of the Club.

2. Membership

  1. Eligibility: Any person who underwrites the objectives and constitution of the Club and who is accepted by the Committee in office will be eligible for membership in the Club.
  2. Types of Membership: 
    1. Normal Member: Any person who has been accepted by the Committee, who has paid the prescribed fees, and who can participate in Club activities.
    2. Students/scholars:  As for a normal member, but shall be a full-time student or scholar.
    3. Outside Member: Any member who has been accepted by the Committee, who has paid the prescribed fees, but who cannot, due to geographical reasons participate in Club activities.
    4. Honorary Member: Any outside person who has delivered outstanding services to the Club or photography in general, and whom the Committee wishes and agrees to honour (by majority vote). The honorary membership shall be valid for one year (January to December). The selected person will enjoy normal Club member benefits but will be exempt from any membership fees for the year.
    5. Lifetime Honorary Member:  The Committee or Club members may nominate a person who has delivered outstanding services to the Club and to photography in general as a Lifetime Honorary Member. These nominations must be made at the last Club meeting prior to the AGM. The Committee shall then investigate and recommend the nomination at the AGM. Great
      care shall be taken in making such a recommendation and to the criteria used. These nominations shall only be accepted by majority vote at the AGM. Lifelong Honorary Members enjoy all the Club benefits and are exempt from Club fees.
  3. Membership Application: Membership application shall be submitted using the standard form provided by the club. These forms shall be completed by the applicant and handed to the Secretary/Treasurer together with the prescribed entrance and membership fees.
  4. Termination of Membership: Membership will be terminated under any of the following conditions:
    1. When a member resigns in writing.
    2. When a member’s membership fees are 3 months in arrears.
    3. When the Committee (by majority vote) finds a member’s behaviour unacceptable and in breach of the constitution.

3. Finances

  1. Entrance Fees: Entrance fees are payable on becoming a member. Entrance fees shall be determined during an AGM, after the Committee’s recommendation and a majority vote by members. Entrance fees shall be payable if a lapse in membership takes place.
  2. Membership Fees:  Membership fees are payable every year by the end of February. Membership fees shall be determined during an AGM, after the Committee’s recommendation and a majority vote by members. New members joining in the second half of the financial year shall pay the full entrance fee and a pro-rata membership fee.
  3. Financial Year: The financial year is from 1 January to 31 December.
  4. Financial Practice
    1. The Committee shall be responsible for the appropriate management of all Club financial matters and a financial statement shall be presented to members of the club at the AGM.
    2. Two Committee members other than the Secretary/Treasurer shall audit the financial statement.
    3. Money paid to the Club shall be deposited into the Club’s bank account. The Secretary/Treasurer and two Committee members shall have signing power on the account and withdrawals may only be made with written consent of two signatories (usually the Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson).
    4. The Club shall have a account with an approved commercial bank. Changing the account can only be done during an AGM, after the Committee’s recommendation and a majority vote by members.

4. Management

  1. Committee Membership
    1. Election of Committee
      The Club Committee shall be elected at the AGM from and by Club members and shall consist of:
      • Chairperson
      • Vice Chairperson
      • Secretary
      • Treasurer
      • Editor of the Club magazine
      • Competition Secretary
      • Print competition coordinator
      • Slide competition coordinator
      • E-photography competition coordinator
      • Events co-ordinator
      • Public relations coordinator
      • Points Master
      • Webmaster
      • Salon coordinator
      • 2 x Additional members.
    2. Continuity: To ensure continuity, two members from the previous year should be re-elected.
    3. Co-opted Committee Members: The Committee shall have the right to co-opt a member when necessary, Co-opted members will participate in Committee meetings but shall have no voting rights.
  2. Competition Meetings
    The Committee shall organize competitions according to the “Rules of Competition and Participation”. The Committee has the right to amend competition rules to comply with PSSA guidelines or Club requirements.  The Committee shall organize at least one Club competition meeting a month, except in December where a year-end function may be organized.
  3. Committee Meetings
    1. The Committee shall meet at least every second month.
    2. Minutes of Committee meetings shall be recorded and kept on record.  25% of Committee members shall constitute a quorum during Committee meetings. In the event of a quorum not being present after 30 minutes, the meeting shall be postponed for 7 days, where after those members present shall constitute a quorum.
  4. Annual General Meeting (AGM)
    1. The AGM shall be held in November each year.
    2. The following matters shall be placed on the AGM agenda:
      • Chairperson’s Report
      • Financial Report from Secretary/Treasurer
      • Determination of entrance and membership fees
      • Election of new Committee members
      • Any other business tabled by the Committee or Club members
    3. Only fully paid up Club members shall have the right to vote in the AGM. In the case of a draw in votes, the Chairperson shall
      give the determining vote.
    4. Meeting Quorum: 25% of fully paid up Club members shall constitute a quorum at an AGM. In the event of a quorum not being present after 30 minutes, the meeting shall be postponed for 7 days, where after those members present shall constitute a quorum.
    5. Meeting Procedure: The AGM shall follow the procedure as described below.
  5. Special General Meeting
    1. On written request of at least 4 members of the Committee or 25% of fully paid up Club members, a Special General Meeting shall be held. Reasons shall be given for such a request and members shall be informed of the date of the meeting at least 14 days in advance.
    2. Meeting Quorum: 25% of fully paid up Club members shall constitute a quorum at a Special General Meeting. In the event of a quorum not being present after 30 minutes, the meeting shall be postponed for 7 days, where after those members present shall constitute a quorum.
    3. Only fully paid-up Club members shall have the right to vote in a Special General Meeting. In the case of a draw in votes, the chairperson shall give the determining vote.
  6. Amendments to the Constitution
    Amendments to the Constitution may only be made at the AGM or a Special General Meeting called for that purpose. A two-thirds majority vote of fully paid up Club members shall be required. Such amendments shall only be made subject to a written proposal being lodged with the Secretary/Treasurer at least 14 days before the AGM or Special General Meeting, and the written proposal, duly seconded, being circulated to Club members together with the notice of such a meeting.
  7. Winding Up: When winding up the Club, all donated equipment shall be returned to its donors, where possible. Other equipment owned by the Club shall be sold and moneys shall be used to pay any outstanding debt. The remaining equipment and funds shall be donated to the PSSA or agreed upon photographic club.

5. AGM Procedure

  1. Members may hand their written nominations for Committee members to the Secretary/Treasurer of the Club.
  2. All nominations must reach the Secretary/Treasurer 14 days prior to the AGM.
  3. Members may nominate any other member with his consent.
  4. Make sure the nominee accepts your nomination and have it seconded. Use a nominations form obtainable from the Secretary/Treasurer.
  5. The current Chairperson will open the AGM.
  6. The current Chairperson will then present the Chairman’s Report including the proposed new entrance and membership fees (voting on fees will take place later).
  7. The Chairman will then asked the Secretary/Treasurer to present the Financial Report.
  8. The Chairman will then open the floor for a 10 minute Question and Answer session.
  9. The current Committee will then stand down with exception of the Vice Chairperson who will then read out the nominations for
    Chairperson. All nominees will leave the room. The members will then elect a new Chairperson by majority vote.
  10. The newly elected Chairperson will then take the chair, and the Vice Chairperson will stand down.
  11. The Chairperson will then read the nominations for the Vice Chairperson and all nominees will leave the room and members will
    elect a new Vice Chairperson by majority vote.
  12. The Vice chairman will the join the Chairperson in helping with the nomination of Secretary/Treasurer. This process will then be followed for the election of the remaining Committee members
  13. The Chairperson will then read out all other business / proposals tabled and members will be asked to debate/vote.
  14. A vote will then be taken on the proposed new entrance and membership fees.
  15. An official invitation to the year end function will be made to members.
  16. The Chairperson closes the meeting.
  17. The new Committee will be asked to assemble for a photo.

End of Constitution

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