Salon Results 12th AFO National Digital Salon Congratulations to the following club members for their noteworthy achievements in the salon: Certificate of Merit:Hendrik Louw | Macro Colour | The undertaker Acceptances:Elna Breedt | Open Colour | Perdeblom SadeElna Breedt | Open Colour | KleurveranderingHelouise Mulder | Open Monochrome | JonasHendrik Louw | Scapes Colour | Moonlit nightHendrik Louw | Open Monochrome | Teddy comfortHendrik Louw | Open Monochrome | NicoleJane Booyse | Open Colour | PoppedJohan Croukamp | Nature No Birds Colour | Wild dog on the anthillJohan Croukamp | Nature No Birds Colour | Mating lions satisfaction 1Johan Croukamp | Nature Birds Only Colour | Malachite diveJohan Croukamp | Open Monochrome | Fish eagle on approach monoLeon Jansen van Vuuren | Scapes Colour | Elephants enjoying open space Elephants enjoying the open space Jonas Moonlit night Teddy comfort Nicole Perdeblom sade Fish eagle on approach mono Malachite dive Mating lions satisfaction 1 Wild dog on the anthill Salon Results: 12th AFO National Digital Salon